With another school year coming to a close, it may not be long until your kids find themselves looking for something to do. Look no further than this guide to activities throughout Logan County that are supported by United Way.
- Logan County Neighborhood Outreach operates free drop-in youth centers in Bellefontaine, Lakeview, and Russells Point. The dedicated, long-time staff coordinate daily activities and also provide meals supported by United Way.
- Hilliker YMCA and YMCA Camp Willson have all sorts of activities. United Way funding is available via scholarships to help with registration costs for specific programs families may be interested in. Check the websites for a host of youth and teen activities.
- Union Station is operating a stellar seven-week Community Summer Program that combines fun with learning life skills and building friendships. Though all scholarships made available from United Way are already being used, additional support is still available.
- Also inside Union Station is Dwell at the Bell, a safe, supervised hangout place for teens.
- Indian Lake Community Church is starting a hangout for teens this summer at "The Lookout," behind the Gathering Grounds coffee shop in Russells Point.
- Logan County Libraries have lots of good summer reading and activity programs for teens and kids that are free to access and GREAT to keep the learning going.
- Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts provide traditional scouting opportunities in Logan County.