This includes the 15-member Board of Trustees, which governs and guides our organization. Our Campaign Cabinet and United Way Champions in more than 40 workplaces who hustled hard to help us raise over $1 million for our annual campaign. Our Allocations Committee reviews all grant requests and calculates the best ways to invest donor dollars back into the community. It also includes special event participants who took part in one-time activities such as Community Care Day, our corporate volunteer event; Stuff the Bus, our annual school supply drive; or other projects.
Simply put: no volunteers, no United Way! Why do they do it? Since it’s National Volunteer Week, we asked them to find out.
“Giving back is also a great way to get to know your community and its citizens,” said Sally Stolly, Director of Administrative Services at Benjamin Logan Schools and a United Way Board President. “When you volunteer, you have the opportunity to meet lots of new people. Working alongside individuals who also care about improving their surroundings will allow you to broaden your network of friends. Additionally, it will help you to better understand the circumstances of other members of your community. Having a broad, open-minded perspective of the different walks of life around you will help you to be an effective and empathetic citizen.”
“I have always believed that you should give generously of your time, talents, and finances,” said Katie Rychener, Marketing Management Teacher and DECA Advisor at Bellefontaine High School and a United Way Board Member. “My parents raised my sisters and I to have a servant's heart. They were extremely involved volunteers throughout our entire childhood and incredible role models for us. When you give back to those in your community you are helping to build a stronger foundation for the future for ALL residents within your area.”
“I feel privileged and blessed to be healthy, educated, gainfully employed, and financially stable. But I know that so many others are not as fortunate, and I want to do my part to use my time, energy, and resources to help those who need it most,” said Alison Marker, President of Marker, Inc. and a United Way Board member.
National Volunteer Week is a great time to spotlight and explore volunteer opportunities in the community and get involved. There are literally hundreds of ways to volunteer in Logan County, within our United Way family of Funded Agencies and beyond. Our newly published Logan County Volunteer Guide can help match you with a volunteer experience. There's certainly a place for you!

Volunteers recommend sharing something you love to do with others.
“My focus of volunteerism is currently in the area of youth sports as a coach for football, basketball and baseball,” said Josh Stolly, an attorney at TDH Law and United Way Board member. “I enjoy seeing kids obtain success – something that is different for each person. Kids need a positive experience in a team setting and my personality allows me to push the kids to be the best teammate and competitor they can be.”
“Start to get involved where your natural interests lead you,” said Janet Siders, Strategic Pricing and Market Analyst at Emerson and a United Way Board member. “I initially started volunteering with hippo therapy because I love animals and children. I believe it is important to help others where possible and to give back to the community in any way you can. My hope is to continue to make improvements and allow others to see the beauty in Logan County's people that I saw when I moved here 16 years ago.”
“Start small, get involved with something that you have an interest in and doors will open to additional opportunities,” said Kim Kirby, Director of Accreditation and Education at Mary Rutan Hospital and a United Way Board member.
“Get involved with United Way,” said Chad Wilkinson, General Manager at V-Teck Communications and a United Way Board member. “Join a service group or organization. Join the Chamber of Commerce. Speak to your local elected officials and ask questions about what is happening in our community.”
“Simply step up! Everyone is extremely busy, but we can all find a little time to support others and opportunities to serve exist everywhere in Logan County,” said Rob Underwood, Superintendent of Indian Lake Schools and a United Way Board member. “Prioritize your time and make serving your community a family activity. If you do not know where to start, contact the United Way for ideas.”
“It’s important to me to contribute to the community we live in,” said Annette Deao, Treatment and Program Director of Logan County Family Court and a United Way Board member. “The energy that it invested in positive efforts within our community is a win for everyone. Ask, be aware, take a risk. Volunteers are an essential component of a healthy community.”