For the last four years, NX Automotive Logistics USA, Inc. (formerly known as NEX Transport) has been the top-giving United Way Workplace Campaign in Logan County. That isn't likely to change this year.
NX Automotive associates pledged a whopping $165,360 during their spring fundraiser for United Way, surpassing last year's totals by nearly $40,000. It's the largest associate giving campaign by a Logan County workplace in nearly two decades.
"We care about Logan County," said Jeffrey Sprague, Vice President of NX Automotive. "We're one of the larger employers here. We believe that it's important to support the community where your employees live and where they work."
When combining associate and corporate giving, NX Automotive Logistics has now given over $1 million to United Way since 2017. This year, 95 percent of the company's 617 associates made a pledge, with the average gift topping $283.
So what's the secret to their fundraising success?
"For the past few years, we've been running a pretty aggressive campaign where if you give certain amounts, you actually get extra paid time off, so that's been very successful," said Sprague. "Because everyone would like a day off and it really doesn't cost the company that much extra money."
Associates who gave as little as $2/pay received an automatic floating holiday. Those who gave $5/pay got two United Way free days.
While most Logan County workplaces conduct their United Way campaigns in the fall, the successful NX Automotive Logistics campaign has set the tone for things to come.
"Every year, when you think you might be maxed out in terms of how much more a group of people can give, our friends at NX Automotive come through again in jaw-dropping fashion," said Dave Bezusko, United Way's Executive Director. "Our run of million dollar campaigns here in Logan County corresponds to the rise of the NX Automotive campaign. Their high-level of support has taken our campaign, our organization, and the impact we're able to make to the next level. And with this kind of start to 2022? We're in position to do it again!"
United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of everyone in Logan County. It does so by facilitating successful agency partnerships that enable a safe, healthy, and caring community. More than just a fundraiser, United Way collaborates with businesses, non-profits, government, and civic organizations to help meet the social service needs of the community.
CAPTION: Dave Bezusko, Executive Director of United Way of Logan County, receives a check for $165,360 from Jeffrey Sprague, Vice President of NX Automotive Logistics in East Liberty. The check represents pledges made by associates during the workplace campaign conducted by the employer this spring. It's the largest associate giving campaign for United Way of Logan County since 2004. Also pictured, Shannon Henderson, NX Automotive Division Manager for Human Resources and Katelyn Roby, Human Resources Coordinator.