In the fall of 2020, Logan County residents were surveyed through personal interviews, focus groups and a paper and electronic survey process to voice their concerns, strengths, risks and needs for themselves and Logan County. This survey was focused on community issues, environment, safety, healthcare, wellness, quality of life, parenting, social and demographics. In addition, secondary data was gathered to further validate and identify areas of need, risk and improvement since the last CHA was conducted in 2018.
An electronic copy of the preliminary report is available by clicking here. A paper copy of the preliminary report may be obtained by calling Mary Rutan Hospital’s Community Health and Outreach Department at 937-599-7005.
Logan County community agencies, organizations and area businesses formed a collaborative team in 2012 to implement the community’s first comprehensive Community Needs Assessment process for Logan County. At that time, Coalitions were formed for each priority, comprised of area agencies, organizations, businesses and concerned community members and have continued their work to address Logan County priority areas. The Community Needs Assessment process is administered every three years, prioritized and the Community Health Improvement Plan for Logan County is updated.
The 2020 CHA was completed one year early to align Logan County with the State of Ohio Community Health Plan. This effort is led and funded by Mary Rutan Hospital, Logan County Health District, Community Health and Wellness Partners, Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Board of Logan and Campaign County and the United Way of Logan County.
For further information about the survey and findings, contact Tammy Allison - Mary Rutan Hospital at (937) 599-7003, Dave Bezusko - United Way of Logan County at 937-592-2886 or Donna Peachy - Logan County Health District at (937) 651-6217.