The Logan County medical community and first responders are the recipient of a timely donation of hazmat suits from a Lima-area family. Matt Kriegel and his family donated 7,500 Dupont Tyvek IsoClean Coveralls (valued at $60,000) through local United Ways to support COIVD-19 response in nine west central Ohio counties. In Logan County, 700 hazmat suits will be dispersed by the EMA among Mary Rutan Hospital, Green Hills Community, Logan Acres, and local fire and police departments. Pictured: Mary Rutan Foundation Chief Operating Officer Tammy Allison and United Way Director Dave Bezusko after receiving the delivery this morning. The suits will impact COVID-19 response in Allen, Auglaize, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, Miami, Putnam, Shelby, and Van Wert Counties. Special thanks to the State Highway Patrol which helped deliver the items from Lima.

- Glov1es
- Mask (all types)
- Digital thermometers
- Goggles
- Face shields
- N95 Mask
- Gowns (all types)
- Hand sanitizer
Items may be dropped off at Mary Rutan Hospital's Logan View location at 110 Dowell Avenue in Bellefontaine (between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm). We ask that items are bagged or boxed for easy drop-off.